How many teeth do sharks have ?

As a rule, the teeth of each shark are lined in 3-20 rows on each jaw and in each row of at least 30. In an adult, the total number is from 200 to 15 000 units.Millions of years of evolution have done their job, giving the ocean predator the best weapon – the number of teeth in a shark is almost unlimited, because they grow all her life.

The undisputed leader in the number of teeth – a whale shark – up to 15 000 teeth, located in 18-20 rows on each jaw!

White and tiger sharks – 280-300 teeth, which are located in 5-6 rows on each jaw.

Pendent shark – the number of dental rows is 20-28 on each jaw, with a total of 300-400 teeth.

Bull shark – 380-420 teeth, which are located in 6-7 rows on each jaw.

Hammerhead shark – the number of dental rows is 15-17 on each jaw, with a total of 600-700 teeth.