What do baby mice eat ?

Proper nutrition is very important for a pregnant mouse. In the first half of the offspring, the daily norm of the feed is increased by 1/3, and the second by 2 times. During pregnancy and feeding of babies it is desirable to give the mouse not only cereal mixtures, but also “wet” foods – fruits and vegetables. In addition, to the main animal feeds, you need to add the germinated grains of wheat or oats.

On the cell, it is desirable to hang a chalk stone, so that the python can gnaw it and get the calcium mice necessary for the formation of skeletons. If there is no special stone for rodents, glucose and calcium preparations can be added to the water. However, this water quickly deteriorates and needs to be changed regularly, so it is better to use a ready mineral stone.

One of the possible complications during childbirth is the inappropriate position of the baby when it goes backwards. As soon as the mouse is born, the mother begins to process it from the place that came first.

Thus, the baby’s head remains in the bladder for a long time, and it can suffocate. In this case, you can try to break the bubble. Actually, we risk nothing, because if you do not, the baby will die. And if the mother favorably treats a foreign smell, she will take the mouse.