What do beavers eat ?

The basis for feeding the beaver in nature are plants, the beaver consumes more than 300 species. The most favorite food is the bark of trees, such as: willow, birch, poplar and aspen. In addition to the bark, beavers are eaten by river and coastal vegetation: water lilies, cattail, reed, egg-caps, iris and many more. Less consume the bark and branches of hazel, bird cherry, elm, linden. Oak and alder are mainly used for grinding teeth and in their buildings, but not for eating. Most often, the beaver uses only a few species of trees in order to change over to other food, his body needs to adapt. Adaptation occurs with the help of microorganisms in the intestine.

In summer, the diet of beavers increases significantly, and by autumn they are already beginning to harvest branches and leaves for the winter. All the beavers keep their reserves in the river near their hut. Do this so that food is better preserved. In the winter they get supplies, bringing them to their shelter on the water, without leaving on land, where at this time of the year it is quite dangerous.

Beaver is a skilled swimmer. The webbed feet and the paddle tail help him to swim well. In addition, the beaver under the tail has iron, which secretes fat. With its help, the beaver makes its coat water repellent. They also have large lungs, due to which they hold their breath and are under water for up to 15 minutes.

On land, beavers do not behave as deftly as in the water, but rather quite awkwardly. Therefore, on land, they pass a distance of not more than 200 meters.

Beavers spend their lives singly or in a small family consisting of 5-8 individuals. One family can occupy a site of residence up to 3 kilometers.