What Is the difference between ducks and geese ?

A goose, if one takes the most typical gray goose for a sample, is a bird with a weight of 2 to 4.5 kg, a body length of up to 90 cm and a maximum wingspan of 180 cm. Gray goose has a wavy gray-brown plumage, white – pure white , the beanwool is wavy gray with a white feather on the belly. There are species of white-fronted and white-fronted geese.

Ducks are medium sized birds. Males of domestic ducks weigh about 3-4 kg, females pull 2-3.5 kg. Males of wild ducks “gain” by autumn only 2 kg. The body length of poultry does not exceed 62 cm, wild – and even less. On the ground, there are about 110 species of ducks. The most common of these are pistachios, dives, musk and domestic ducks.

Geese stand out with their orange paws with webs between their fingers. They are attached to the body closer to the middle, so the animal is distinguished by a special posture and a proud walk. Beaks of birds in color coincide with the color of their paws. Goose beaks are high and end with a small pointed nail.