Where do stingrays live ?

Stingrays live on the seabed (some even at a depth of 2500-2700 m) and often burrow into its upper layers. Some species are dangerous. Electric stingray(Torpediniformes) produce a sufficiently strong electric charge (from 8 to 220 V), through which they stun the prey and deprive it of its ability to move. They are also protected in this way from enemies and can be dangerous even to humans. Very strong pain and poisoning can cause the tail, on the tail which has a poisonous needle. The largest slopes are man-you, or giant sea devils (Manta birostris). The giant manta reaches a length of 6.6 m and a mass of 2000 kg. Despite its impressive size, the manti are harmless eaters of plankton.

The sawtail, or fish-saw (Pristis pectina-tus), lives in the tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. In length it reaches 4.8 m, and sometimes there are longer specimens. The family of guitar (Rhinobatidae) includes skates, in the shape of the body resembling this musical instrument. In England and the USA they are called fish guitar, in Australia – shark-banjo, and in France – sea violin.

Near the coast of Europe live an ordinary electric ramp (Torpedo marmorata), a tail, a butterfly (Gymnuridae), a smooth ramp (Raja batis), an ordinary eagle (Myliobatis aquila) and a small sea devil. Only in the warm waters of the Indian and western Pacific can one meet a blind electric ramp (Typhlonarke aysoni). His eyes are completely hidden under the skin and do not function as an organ of vision. The length of its body is 1.2 m, it lives at a depth of 50 m. The Indian electric ramp (Narke dipterygia), which inhabits the coasts of India, Vietnam, China and South Japan, does not exceed 13.5 cm in length.