18 interesting facts about walnuts

Even among other nuts, walnuts stand out for their usefulness and calorie content. They contain almost all the useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. True, they should not be abused anyway, since walnuts, like any others, are rather fatty and heavy food.

The life span of the trees on which they grow can last for centuries. So, even in the south of Russia, in the North Caucasus, there are trees that are more than four centuries old.
In Ancient Babylon, priests noticed that walnuts look like a human brain. Therefore, they were forbidden to eat by commoners, as it was believed that they could grow wiser, and this was undesirable.
If you eat at least one walnut every day, the likelihood of atherosclerosis is significantly reduced.
The origins of its name are not known to anyone. A walnut comes from Central Asia, but there is a version that it was brought to Russia from Greece, which is why it was called.
Such a common medicine, such as activated carbon, is made from its shell.

Walnuts have a mild soothing effect.
Eating a few walnuts with honey, you can overcome a headache, if it is not too strong.
When eating, they must be chewed carefully. Only in this case will the benefit brought by them be maximized.
Like many other nuts, such as peanuts and almonds, walnuts are not. From the point of view of botany, it is a drupe fruit.
In Central Asia, some people believe that the tree on which they grow never blooms. There is even a corresponding saying.
On average, one adult tree brings up to 300 kg of walnuts per year, but from individual specimens, especially those standing separately and with a wide crown, sometimes they collect up to 500 kg.

The ancient Greeks called them “the acorns of the gods”.
Walnuts are about 7 times superior to potatoes in nutrition.
In total, there are 21 types of these nuts in the world.
Better to buy unopened walnuts than pre-peeled ones. The latter during the storage process lose a significant share of their beneficial properties.
Walnuts first came to Russia in the 12-13 centuries.
The wood of these trees is a valuable species. It costs a lot because collecting crops from them is more profitable than cutting them down.
An adult walnut tree can have a trunk diameter of up to 5-6 meters at the base and a height of up to 25 meters.