Facts about ferrets

Despite its size, the Ferret is quite a clever and skillful hunter. In addition, the ferret has long won the love of man as a domestic pet. Having lived for more than one century side by side with man, a lot of interesting facts gathered about the animal, here are a few of them.

Ferret sleep can last up to 20 hours a day.

Ferrets know how to swim, but they do not do so well as their closest relative, the mink.

Often the choirs who settled near a person attack poultry and eat eggs.

In America, in California and in New York, keeping a ferret at home is prohibited. This is due to the fact that ferrets form large enough colonies and cause great harm to the environment, and they are carriers of tuberculosis of large cattle.

During the settling of Australia by Europeans, ferrets were brought along with the weasels to the mainland and nearby islands to fight large populations of rabbits. But the animals chose another prey, the birds that nested on the ground. Hunting their eggs and themselves, ferrets have caused great harm to the ecosystem. This even led to the fact that some species completely disappeared. Therefore, the importation of ferrets into Australia is prohibited.

Ferrets have a rather specific and persistent musky smell. Even sterilized or castrated animals can make a smell.

Ferrets were domesticated about 2000 years ago. Initially, they were used to hunt rabbits and exterminate mice and rats.

During the hunt ferrets rely only on their sense of smell.

The muscles on the ferret’s neck are quite developed with their help, they can carry the heaviest prey, for example, a rabbit.

Hori have a very flexible spine, which allows them to climb into the narrowest cracks. Thanks to this ability, ferrets were used even for the construction of Boeing, the Hadron Collider and to remove the ceremony of the wedding of Prince Charles and Lady Diana.