
One of the strongest and largest animals on our planet can be considered buffalo. These representatives of wild bulls have huge horns, which distinguish them from other brothers in the family.

Relatives of buffalo scientists consider such animals as: banteng, gaur, bison, bison and yak. The largest among the buffaloes is the African buffalo, its weight can reach 1.2 tons with a relatively small height of 1.5 meters. The next in size is the Indian buffalo: the oldest male species of this variety reach a mass of one ton.

The main attraction of the buffaloes is their horns. Depending on the species and habitats, this “headpiece” can have a different shape and size. The horns of the buffalo grow in different sides, on the forehead they are flattened and create a kind of helmet. Indian buffaloes have the longest horns among their foreign counterparts – 2 meters long. However, nature decided that such a head ornament should belong only to the male sex, so the buffalo females either have no horns at all, or have them, but they are very modest in size.

These giants dwell in warm climatic zones. They can be found in Africa, South Asia, Indonesia (Sulawesi Island) and the Philippines (Mindoro Island). The buffaloes live in large herds, the number of which can be 400 individuals. The most numerous are the herds of African buffalo. These mammals prefer to settle in wooded areas, they are attracted by meadows located near the banks of rivers, as well as the territory of savannas.

Most of the time the buffaloes pass to pasture, where they eat grass, succulent leaves, rest and of course, as representatives of ruminants, constantly chewing chewing gum. Do not forget the buffaloes and water procedures – they can spend in the pond for several hours a day. In addition to bathing buffalo consume a lot of water inside: for a day they can drink about 40 liters.