Facts about buffalo
The African buffalo (or black bull) is the largest of modern bulls.
- African buffaloes live only in Africa, besides they are the only bulls of Africa.
- In Africa, because of the buffaloes, more people die than from lions and leopards.
- The horns of the African buffalo are so strong that even a rifle bullet can not always pierce it.
- African buffalo has a weak vision, mainly relies on smell and hearing.
- The weight of an African buffalo can exceed a ton (1200 kg), its height reaches up to 1.8 m, the body length is 3-3.4 m.
- African buffaloes do not live where less than 250 mm of precipitation a year falls.
- African buffaloes never leave the water more than 4 kilometers (per day, an adult drank 30-40 liters of water).
- The speed of African buffalo can reach – 57 km / h.
- On the body of the African buffalo live birds “voloklyu”, which relieve the buffalo from parasites.
- On average, in nature African buffaloes live 16 years, in captivity to 30 years.
- African buffaloes swim very well.
- African buffalo can attack for no apparent reason.
- African buffalo always support each other in the event of danger.
- In Africa, live about a million African buffaloes.
- People hunt buffalo for meat and skin.
- African buffaloes are more dangerous than elephants and lions. Having seen the hunter, not waiting for the shot to attack first (after the attack of the buffalo, to stay alive is almost not realistic). Wounded buffalo often pretend to be dead, but after approaching the hunter they suddenly attack (they are always unpredictable and cunning).