Facts about cows
For one minute the cow makes about a hundred chewing movements, that is, about the same amount as a rabbit does.
- Contrary to popular belief, bulls do not rush to red – these animals do not distinguish colors at all. And the bull rushes to the bullfighter, because he deliberately angers him with sharp movements.
- On average, the milk cow gives around two hundred thousand glasses of milk throughout life.
- The world’s largest cow weighed two and a quarter tons.
- Cows know how to cry, like people or dolphins.
- The most abundant mammals on earth are we humans, but cows take second place in this category.
- What the cow eats, directly affects the taste of milk, which it then gives.
- Cows on average live for about twenty years, although there are also long-livers. Bulls live less, for fifteen years.
- The total mass of all cows on Earth is about three times the weight of all people.
- Cows harm ecology more than cars. Their manure and simply intestinal gases contribute about 18% of the contribution to the greenhouse effect of our planet.
- Zoologists say that these creatures are able to moo with eleven different intonations.
- During the rest, cows are located along the lines of the magnetic field of our planet. Yes, they feel it, unlike us.
- For killing a cow in Cuba, more severe punishment is required than even for killing a person.
- Before the appearance of money in circulation among many peoples, the cow acted as a kind of currency, and in general a measure of other material values.
- A herd of fifty cows per day can give up to a ton of milk.
- Cows remember their name and respond to it, just like dogs.
- Cows have a habit of licking those people they like.
- The visual memory of these animals is good – they are able to recognize people, memorizing their faces.
- In nature, cows feed their calves with milk until they are three years old.
- Cow eyes provide it with an almost circular view – this is a way to protect against predators.