Facts about fish
Many species of fish multiply, laying eggs, but rare representatives, such as large white sharks, produce live babies.
- A starfish is not a fish, it’s coral.
- Despite the fact that the saber-toot is a few centimeters in size, it has the largest teeth relative to the body.
- Illynyj jumper-fish, being most of the time without water and able to “walk” on the fins.
- The catfish has 27,000 taste receptors. They have 7000 people.
- Many brands of lipstick have fish bones in their composition.
- Lungfish may be out of the water for several years. They have both gills and lungs.
- Sea horses are the only fish that can swim standing.
- White shark, can raise the temperature of his body.
- The oldest fish is Australian lungfish. In 2003, this representative of the class felt great in 65 years.
- Fish can use a variety of low key sounds to send messages to each other. However, they do not have vocal cords.
- Fish can form schools that contain millions of “disciples.” They use their vision and what is considered a sideline, in order to keep their places in school.
- Due to the fact that the jaw of the fish is not fixed to the skull, many of them can shoot their mouths forward.
- Electric acne and electric rays have enough current to kill the horse.
- A shark is a unique fish with eyelids.
- Fish are asleep, but they do not divide day and night like people.
- In rare species of fish, such as herbivores, there are rarely no teeth, but there are mills in the throat.
- Almost all fish have taste pans all over their body.
- British contaminated water changes the sex of the fish.
- Sea fish need to consume more water than freshwater fish.
- The oldest fishing hook at the age of 42,000.
- Sharks have meat with salt composition, like the ocean.
- Most fish have the best vision for their habitat and can see you when you look at them in an aquarium.
- On the rings on the fish scales, you can determine the fish’s return.
- A fish that has thin fins with a tail split shows that they move very fast. And vice versa, fish, living among rocks and reefs, next to the ocean floor have a developed lateral fin and a large solid tail.