Facts about pumas
Puma, mountain lion or cougar. Cats that can jump almost 6 meters on an unsuspecting prey, which is 10-12 meters from the predator. Just imagine what you would have experienced if this 3-meter animal had been on your way! Here are 10 facts about these amazing animals.
- Cougar, puma, mountain lion – the name depends on the region of habitation. This animal has got into the Guinness Book of Records, as the animal with the largest number of names. Only in English there are more than 40 of them!
- This great lonely cat-lover has the largest habitat in the western hemisphere – from the Yukon in Canada to the southern Andes in South America.
- Its main sources of food are deer, elk, toddler, as well as livestock, horses and sheep, especially in the northern part of the habitat. This cat does not disdain to hunt even for rodents and insects.
- Adult individuals grow to 60-76 cm in height and about 2.4 m in length. Males usually weigh 53-90 kg, females – 29-64 kg.
- The smallest individuals live closer to the equator, the largest – closer to the poles.
- Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 1,5-3 years. Usually they give offspring every 2-3 years. Raise the offspring only females, fiercely protect their young.
- In addition to humans, adult pumas have no enemies in nature. However, this cat is not the main predator on its territory. In the northern regions, the cougar crosses with predators such as the brown bear and the wolf. In the south, the pumas compete for food with jaguars, which are larger than them. And in Florida, her competitor is the Mississippian alligator.
- Like all cats, pumas are loners. Only mothers and young people live in groups, and adult individuals are found only to mate. Particularly active cougars at dawn and after sunset.
- Pumas can run up to 55-72 km / h, but are most suited to short powerful races, and not to long chases.
- Puma have large front and largest proportional hind legs from all members of the cat family. This allows them to jump over long distances and run at short distances at high speed. Cougar is credited with a vertical jump of 5.4 meters. Horizontally they jump without dispersal for 6-12 meters.