Interesting facts about Gabon

What do you know about an African country like Gabon? Most people did not even hear such a name in their lives, but this state is very interesting. The African continent, of course, is quite poor, but Gabon can be called one of the few islands of stability in these parts. To visit Gabon at least once – a very interesting experience. Perhaps you should think about spending another vacation here?

The name “Gabon” in Portuguese means “Coat with a hood”.

The African state of Gabon is one of the most stable and rich in the continent.

The population of Gabon is the smallest in Tropical Africa.

The per capita income in Gabon is the highest among countries located south of the Sahara Desert.

Approximately 80% of the territory of Gabon is tropical forest.

On the territory of the Okolo uranium deposit in Gabon about 2 billion years ago a nuclear reactor of natural origin functioned – for several hundred thousand years there was a chain reaction of the decay of uranium nuclei.

Gabon is one of the oldest oil-producing countries in West Africa. About 120 oil fields were found on the territory of the state.

In Gabon, the world’s largest population of gorillas.

The Trans-Gabon Railway is the only network of railroads laid in Central Africa after the end of the colonial period. She carries passengers 3 days a week.

The inhabitants of Gabon eat meat of snakes, porcupines, camels, crocodiles, gorillas and chimpanzees.

The basis for the vast majority of dishes, including soups, are bananas.

Gabon is forced to import more than half of its food.

The Laongo National Park, with an area of ​​more than 1,500 square meters, is inhabited by a multitude of bird and animal species, including rare species.

The church of Saint-Michel in the capital of the state of Libreville has an unusual architecture for the temple – it is a wooden building, the roof of which supports 31 columns of mahogany. On the columns the blind master cut out various subjects from the Bible.

The rocks above the Ogove River are covered with rock paintings that were painted around the 1st century BC.

Residents of Gabon almost do not keep cats at home.

Pygmies inhabiting the central part of the country continue to engage in gathering and hunting, and also wear loincloths. The growth of adult male pygmies rarely exceeds 130 centimeters.

Photographing and shooting of video is forbidden in most of the territory of Gabon.

Gold bars and coins from this precious metal can be imported into Gabon only if there is a special permit.

The Museum of Art and Tradition in Libreville offers its visitors an extensive exposition containing ritual masks, art and everyday life of Africans.

On the territory of Gabon, only 1,5 thousand kilometers of roads have a hard surface.

Gabon is the world’s largest supplier of Künne’s auküme, which is used to produce plywood.

Although Gabon has large reserves of iron ore, the steel industry in the country is absent, and the development of deposits is not being conducted.