Interesting facts about mosquitoes

Few people love mosquitoes: they buzz unpleasantly, interfere with sleep, drink our blood, and are carriers of many diseases. Like any other living thing, they need to eat, and they make victims of humans and mammals. They are everywhere: in the country, in apartments, in fishing. It is good that they have many enemies, these are small birds and reptiles, otherwise mosquitoes would have long defeated humanity. This article will focus on the most informative facts about these little bloodsuckers.

More than a hundred million years ago, mosquitoes appeared on Earth, so they are one of the most ancient creatures on our planet. Since then, they have not changed practical. There are no mosquitoes on Antarctica; insects do not live there at all. You can not be afraid of mosquito bites in windy weather, because it simply blows away insects and they prefer to relax, rather than fly and bite.

Mosquitoes have teeth, he has about 50 of them, depending on the type of insect. Only the females of this insect feed on blood. Nectar of flowers is a favorite food for male mosquitoes.
The average size of an individual mosquito is 14 millimeters. When in the evening the sun goes below the horizon, male mosquitoes begin to swarm and swirl in the air. These are their mating games, and the female chooses the male, who is not very large, as the “gentleman”. This is due to the fact that large mosquitoes are worse kept in the air.

Communication mosquitoes occurs at the expense of a squeak. They do not hear this sound, but the antennae allow you to catch the vibrations of the sound. An allergic reaction and itching of the body often become a sad consequence of mosquito bites. The weight of a well-fed mosquito is about 2.5 times the weight of a hungry insect.

The life expectancy of a mosquito female is approximately 1 month, and males live 2 times less. Mosquitoes are giant mosquitoes reaching 10 cm in length. At midnight, mosquitoes become 500 times more active.

Genetics try to change the mosquito genes so that they give offspring that are not capable of reproduction. Tropical mosquitoes annually kill many people, being carriers of terrible infectious diseases.

When examining a mosquito under a microscope, you can see a frightening sight, because at once six needles contain the piercing-sucking apparatus of the “little vampire”.

We hate mosquitoes, but if they suddenly disappeared from our planet altogether, a terrible ecological catastrophe would happen. In order to completely drink the blood of one person, 1.2 million mosquitoes must attack him. Komarno is a city in Canada where a huge mosquito monument is built, the wingspan of which is five meters.

Scientists have noticed that mosquitoes drink blood more often in blondes than in brunettes and red-haired women. The wings of a mosquito tremble, this leads to the fact that the mosquito squeaks. Electronic mosquito repeller is called the best remedy for these annoying insects.

Small suction cups on the paws help these insects stay on vertically arranged surfaces. Mosquitoes are drawn to the smell of alcohol.

Archaeologists in the shale breed found a specimen of a mosquito that contained the blood of a dinosaur. They determined that the mosquito was more than 40 million years old, but it was preserved perfectly due to the peculiarities of the soil.

In Usinsk, near the hospital building, where donors donate blood, there is a large monument to the mosquito. So there are monuments to this insect in Russia.

In the absence of food in the form of blood, even the females of these insects temporarily become vegetarians, begin to eat pollen of flowers and nectar.

In Singapore, they write a fine if after watering flowers on the surface of the soil there is at least a little moisture. The administration fights mosquitoes in this way.

Mosquitoes can walk on water, but often become victims of fish. In Russia, they noticed that mosquitoes stray into a lump when they buzz, so they called these insects the word “mosquito”. This is the most popular version of the origin of the biological term among linguists.

The tiny size of the mosquitoes allows them to fly between the raindrops for several minutes. Mosquitoes often attack people with the first blood type, because they like blood with a high protein content.

Men are less likely to be victims of mosquito attacks than the fair half of humanity. The smell of blood mosquito smells from fifty meters. After the onset of frost, some species of these bloodsuckers freeze into the ice, and thaw in the spring and this happens without any harm to mosquito health.

Birds are the main enemies of mosquitoes. Many birds consider these insects a favorite treat. For four days, the mosquito makes the way from hatching from an egg to becoming an adult.

When the air temperature drops to twelve degrees above zero, mosquito flights stop, for these insects it is very cold.

Blood plasma is needed for mosquito females to carry offspring. The infrared vision of these insects allows them to navigate perfectly at night and dusk. Our planet has about 3 thousand species of mosquitoes that live in the cool tundra and in the hot tropics.

For the process of pollination of flowers, males play a crucial role, transferring pollen on their paws. Flies very often fall into spider webs, but mosquitoes weigh so little that they are not at all afraid of spiders. A mosquito will not be able to attract a predator with its subtle movement of a small body. The chemical industry has released many insect repellents, but mosquito repellents are most in demand.

Mosquitoes become most active when the full moon shines. Singapore is the only sultry state whose authorities have managed to get rid of mosquitoes. Mosquito eggs can wait several years to wait for suitable conditions. When it is cold, they are completely inactive, but with warming, vital activity begins to develop rapidly in them. A mosquito is a dipteran insect; therefore, it has the following stages of life: egg — larva — pupa — imago. If a person finds himself in summer in damp weather in the taiga or tundra without clothes, the attacked cloud of mosquitoes will drink half his blood from him in just a couple of hours, and the person will simply die.

Mosquitoes drank blood from dinosaurs 170 million years ago. In Spanish, there is the word “mosquito” and translates as “little fly.” The fly and mosquitoes are the closest relatives, they belong to the Diptera squad. A mosquito never moves further than one kilometer from its place of birth. Mosquitoes found by scientists have a body length of 5 centimeters, these are real giant insects. The mosquito does not bite, but sucks blood.

Most of the mosquito’s head is occupied by the eye. To prevent itching after mosquito bites, in no case scratch the body, but rather moisten the bite with alcohol or cologne. Mosquitoes do not tolerate AIDS, this is a delusion and a stereotype that does not have any scientific basis. In Nigeria, they made a mosquito net in which 200 children could fit. It was an action in support of the fight against tropical diseases, because tropical fever due to the bloodsuckers’ death takes many lives.