Octopus and Squid Scientific Name
Octopuses and squids are the most highly developed of invertebrate animals(animals without backbones). The scientific name of Octopus is Octopoda. Squid’s scientific name is Decabrachia. They are sea animals of fearsome appearance. The octopus has eight tentacles surrounding a bulbous head containing eyes and a sharp beak. The squid has a cigar-shaped body with ten tentacles growing around its head, which also has eyes and jaws. Both animals have rows of suckers on their tentacles, which they can use to grip their prey. But neither octopuses nor squids are dangerous to human beings.

Octopuses and squids are mollusks, like the snail and oyster. But unlike most other mollusks, the octopus has no shell. In the squid, the shell is a horny structure situated inside the body. There are about 150 kinds of octopuses living in all the world’s oceans. They vary in size from a few inches to more than 30 feet across. The common octopus, however, is only about two feet across. Squids too are common in the world’s seas. They range in size from an inch long up to about 50 feet long in the case of the giant squid, which is the world’s largest invertebrate animal.
As we mentioned octopuses scientific name is Octopoda and they live in nooks and crannies on the sea bed. They are hard to see because their color tends to merge with their surroundings. The octopus moves by pulling itself along with its suckers, or by forcing a jet of water out of an outlet called a siphon. The suckers of octopuses can exert a powerful grip. Squids also move by shooting out jets of water, and by using the two fins at the tail ends of their bodies. They use their tentacles and fins for steering.

These sea creatures feed on small marine animals, such as crabs and shellfish, but themselves fall prey to larger animals such as big fishes and whales. They often escape from attackers by shooting out clouds of dark liquid from an ink sac in their bodies.
Squids(Decabrachia) are an important source of food in many parts of the world. Octopus is also considered a delicacy in many countries, and both animals can be very tasty.