Where do emperor penguins live ?

The main habitat for emperor penguins is Antarctica. They live in colonies, which can number a very different number of birds. The largest colonies number up to 10 thousand emperor penguins, small colonies unite about 300 individuals. The imperial penguin of all other species goes to the southern extremities, arranging their lives on ice floes. But for the continuation and incubation of eggs, they return to the mainland in unison. Based on the results of observations and studies, about 35-38 colonies of penguins were recorded.

It has a very solid growth – up to 122 cm and weighs 35-40 kg (although some males reach 45 kg) The Emperor Penguin is the largest of all 17 penguin species. Thanks to the dense plumage, the penguins feel comfortable enough in any frost and cold. Maintain an optimal body temperature and not suffer from colds contribute to a thick layer of fat, which, in addition to the thermoregulatory function, serves as a kind of pantry, replenishing the energy balance of the bird.

An important role for warming the body is played by black and white color of down. When the sun appears, black feathers actively absorb and accumulate the heat of the sun’s rays. Nature has endowed these animals with unique survival mechanisms in harsh conditions. For example, they are adapted to walk on snow and ice, leaning on their heels and tail. To keep warm, during severe frosts, the imperial penguins gather into dense groups. Clinging to each other and constantly moving, from the outer circle to the middle, they heat the air inside such a circle to +35 degrees, with an outside temperature of -20 ° C.