Where do Quail live ?
The habitat of the quail is very extensive and includes Eurasia, north and south Africa and the island of Madagascar.
Feathers were also in distress, as a result of a decrease in the area of meadows intended for pasture and haymaking, where birds usually multiplied.
A lot of quails perished because of the abundance of harvesting equipment in these areas, as tall grass and breads are a favorite habitat for nesting and nesting of these birds. Poultry quail outwardly almost does not differ from wild, just more plump.
Rushing to the sky, the bird can not rise very high and flies above the ground, waving its wings very often. The life of the quail is conducted on the ground, among the dense grass cover, which has postponed the imprint on the habits and appearance of the bird.
The grass protects the quail from predators, and this is a reliable cover they are afraid to leave even for a very short time. Preferring to huddle near the ground, the quail never sits on the trees. By the autumn, birds are gaining weight and are going to wintering places in the countries of South Asia and Africa.