
Depending on the species, gibbons are small or larger, the color of their wool also depends on the habitats and the particular species. On average, gibbons have a mass of 4 to 13 kilograms. The length of their body can be from 45 to 90 centimeters.

Gibbons have a slender, lean physique, from many other monkeys they are distinguished by the absence of a tail. These primates are one of the most progressive in their squad.

In the mouth of these mammals there are 32 teeth, just like humans. In addition, the “relatives” of us with gibbons and the presence of II, III, and IV blood groups (in gibbons there is only 1 group).

In all 16 species of this family, the body is covered with a dense scalp. Without the wool of gibbons, only the palms, the face and sciatic corns. Absolutely all gibbons have black skin. As for the shades of wool, it is often either solid (dark), or with small marks of light colors. However, some species also have light fur.

The limbs of the gibbons differ greatly in length: the hind legs are much shorter than the forelegs. By the way, the “hands” of these primates are much longer than the trunk (almost twice!), Which is why they easily rest on the palms, standing upright. Unlike other monkeys, gibbons prefer “upright”, even when they are at a huge height (somewhere on the tree).

Absolutely all kinds of gibbons live in the Asian region. Their homeland is the forests of India, Malaysia, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and even China. When choosing places of residence, these monkeys prefer a dense moist forest. Some species, however, climb mountains, but not more than 2000 meters above sea level.

Gibbons are active only during the day. Scientists who carefully studied the way of life of the white-footed gibbons, came to the conclusion that these primates are capable, no small thing, to organize their daily routine. In their daily schedule there is a strictly allocated time for food, for rest, for caring for oneself and offspring, for communicating with relatives, for sleeping, etc.