Interesting facts about the countries

The division into states and countries was inevitable, because all of us, people, are so different … And besides those countries that have all heard, in the world there are many states about which most of us even not heard.

The US is the country with the highest percentage of people in prisons. About a quarter of all inmates in the world are here. Russia is in second place.

The country with the largest number of complete people is the island nation of Nauru, about 95 percent of the population suffer from this overweight in one way or another.

The country with the greatest number of belts is France, considering all its overseas territories. 12 time zones – a record. There are 10 time zones in the USA, and 7 in Russia.

In the country of Guam in the production of road surfaces use corals.

In Canada, about 60 percent of all lakes in the world are located. They are more than three million, and they occupy 9 percent of the Canadian territory.

Libya is the world’s driest country, 99% of its territory is desert.

The world’s first place in the production of oxygen belongs to Russia thanks to the Siberian forests.

And least of all forests – in Haiti. Almost all trees are cut there.

The most aggressive country in the world is Somalia.

The most educated country in the world is Canada.

The largest city-state in the world is Singapore.

And the smallest one is the Vatican.

Most of all in the world of languages ​​in the course of Papua New Guinea, there are more than 820 languages ​​in the process, that is, more than 12 percent of all the world’s languages.

Colombia ranks first in the world in terms of happiness and satisfaction of the population, despite the fact that this is a very poor country.

The cleanest country in the world is Iceland.

Iceland is also the most peaceful country.

And the friendliest.

And the most unfriendly country to foreigners is Bolivia. The second and third place in this rating are occupied by Venezuela and Russia.

The richest country is Qatar.

The lowest density of population in the world – in Mongolia, on one and a half square kilometer here there are only four people.

The country with the largest number of young people in the world is Niger, almost half of Niger’s population is younger than sixteen.

Andorra is the only country in the world where mail is free of charge.

In Monaco, the number of the national orchestra is greater than the strength of the army.

And in Costa Rica there is no regular army at all.

The poorest country in the world is the African state of Togo.

And the poorest country in Europe is Ukraine.

The most densely populated country in the world is Monaco, the population density here exceeds 16 thousand people per square kilometer.