
Reindeer are one of the most beautiful representatives of the fauna of the northern regions. One of the main features of reindeer is the fact that unlike other representatives of this family, there are horns in both males and females. Every year in December, males begin to drop horns, in females this occurs in June. Then the horns begin to grow again.

These animals live, which in many parts of the world are considered symbols of Christmas, in Greenland, North America, Scandinavia and Siberia. Reindeer live mainly in the tundra climatic zone, they are less common in the taiga. The animals are quite large, have excellent sense of smell and hearing, but poor vision. These mammals are the only animals that can change the color of the eyes, which varies depending on the season of the year.

In summer the eyes of the reindeer are golden, because at this time of year the animals are exposed to constant sunlight. But in winter, during the cold and cloudy weather, the eyes of these northern animals turn blue.

Northern deer are omnivorous creatures. The diet of their food includes grass, leaves, bushes, mushrooms, as well as bird eggs. In the winter period, their food is moss and lichen. The hooves of these animals are arranged so that they can excavate the snow in a layer of 70 cm.

In the second half of June the female gives birth to a single calf. It is interesting that a deer can run on its birthday. Until autumn, the mother feeds the cubs with milk, and then the baby begins to feed himself.

The reindeer is a very revered animal by the inhabitants of the far north. These mammals give food, clothes to the northern people, and are used as a means of transportation. The northern inhabitants are completely dependent on deer. In the harsh conditions of the far north, not one who has a lot of money, but one who owns a large number of deer, is considered rich.