
The salamander is an amphibian animal, which people feared in ancient times. About her composed myths, and attributed her mystical abilities. This is mainly due to its toxic and bizarre coloration. If you translate her name from the Persian language, you will get – “burning from within”. The salamander is referred to the class of amphibian animals, although it looks like a lizard and does not need to be confused. The latter are reptiles. The body of this representative of amphibians is elongated, and smoothly passes into the tail part. Sizes range from 5-180 cm. The skin feels moist and smooth to the touch.

The color scheme, in which different types of salamander are painted, is almost unlimited, it can be seen on the set of photos of these animals. Amphibia can be black, yellow, olive, red and other shades. And her back is decorated with stripes, dots and specks of various shapes and shades. The Newts have short and stocky legs. There are 4 toes on the forelimbs, and 5 to the back. 5. No claws. On the flattened head there are bulging, dark eyes with rather developed eyelids.

There are also special glands (mumps), which are characteristic of all amphibians. They then produce a poisonous secret that causes seizures and paralysis in animals trying to eat them. These amphibians also have an amazing property: they are able to grow their lost limbs or tail. In the process of evolution, the group was divided into the pulmonary, secretaries and real salamanders.

They have a different respiratory system. Without pulmonary breathe skin and mucous membrane of the mouth. Hidden gills use gills, and the latter have full-fledged lungs. Dwell salamanders in almost all countries, with a suitable warm and humid climate. But the greatest variety exists in North America. It is not possible to describe all species of this animal in one article, therefore the most unusual representatives of the salamander group are presented below.

The largest amphibian on the planet is the Chinese giant salamander. You can meet her only in the reservoirs of this country. In length it reaches 180 cm, and weighs more than 70 kg. An unusual way of hunting for the next species is the Lusitanian salamander. She, like a frog, catches prey with her tongue. Its body color is black, with two narrow gold strips running along the ridge. She lives in Spain and Portugal.

Alpine salamander lives high in the mountains, it settles among the rocks, near mountain rivers. The woody salamander deftly crawls along the trunks, jumps well over the branches and loudly squeaks. Color at it camouflage: light or dark shade brown. It lives in Mexico and in the California state. The most prolific spring salamander lives in the US and Canada. Over time, it can lay more than 130 eggs, it is easy to recognize it on a red color with small dark spots.

The most popular of the salamanders is the fiery one. In addition, she and the champion in life length in her group – 50 years. She has a bright color: black and orange. She escapes the water, and descends to it exclusively during the breeding season. In the photo you can see the beauty of the fiery salamander. Salamanders, although they are single, but before hibernation, in October, gather in groups. In order to survive this unfavorable period for them on land, in heaps of fallen leaves.

They hunt mainly at night, in the daytime they hide in shelters from the direct rays of the sun. Near the place of their habitat, as a rule, there must be a pond. They catch the prey with a sharp jerk, and cover it with their own body. After a short struggle, the victim is swallowed whole. The salamander has many natural enemies to escape, the animal leaves its tail or limbs in their claws and teeth, and quickly escapes. Although these amphibians and poisonous, but their secret does not cause fatal harm to man.

It can only cause irritation on the hands, and hitting the mucous – burns the mouth or eyes. Therefore, touching the amphibian, you need to wash your hands well, so as not to harm yourself by inaccuracy.