Scientific name of elephant

Scientific name of elephant is Loxodonta. There is a legend about the existence of elephant cemeteries in elephants, where old and sick animals go to die, as it is very rare to find tusks of dead animals. However, scientists managed to dispel this legend, it turned out that the porcupines are tamed by porcupines, which thus satisfy the mineral hunger.

Elephant is a kind of animal that has another interesting organ – the trunk, which reaches seven meters in length. It is formed from the upper lip and nose. The trunk contains approximately 100,000 muscles. This organ serves for breathing, drinking and publishing sounds. An important role is played by eating, as a kind of flexible hand.

To capture small items, the Indian elephant uses a small process on the trunk, which resembles a finger. The African representative has two of them. The trunk serves both for tearing grass blades and for breaking large trees. Using the trunk, animals can afford to take a shower from dirty water.

It is not only pleasant to animals, but also protects the skin from annoying insects (the mud dries and forms a protective film). An elephant is a group of animals that have very large ears. African elephants are much larger than those of Asian elephants. The ears of animals are not only the organ of hearing.