Average weight of an elephant ?

Average weight of an elephant is about 2.5 – 7 tons. The elephant is the largest land mammal on our planet. Elephants belong to the group of “proboscis”. With the help of a trunk elephants drink, take a shower and use instead of hands.

Also, the trunk helps communicate with each other, making sounds. It is believed that elephants appeared 23 million years ago. Then there were no African and Asian elephants, but there were already their relatives – mammoths and stegodons.

Modern elephants live in tropical forests and savannahs. Scientists have put them in the Red Book, since elephant tusks are valuable for poachers.

Wondering how much the elephant weighs, do not forget that the elephant eats 16 hours a day. During this time, he consumes half a ton of plant food and half the water. Therefore, one should take into account the weight of a hungry or well-fed elephant in question. Also it is worth remembering that younger individuals eat and drink half as much.