10 Facts about Global Warming – Interesting and Shocking Facts

In this post, we will check 10 interesting and shocking facts about global warming. Essentially, global warming, also known as climate change, is the rise of the earth’s normal temperature. Many experts predict that the effects of global warming can sway the entire world by 2100. Human activities are to blame for global warming, as to what many scientists who study this topic say.

Greenhouse gases emissions from vehicles, smokestacks, flaming forests, and more are the main global warming causes. These gases enable the sun rays to penetrate the earth’s protective layer and intensify the effect of the greenhouse. As a result, the heat that is being generated is hindered from radiating back to the space. Below are more facts about global warming. Increase your knowledge about global warming, its causes, and effects, and find out how to stop it.

10 Facts about Global Warming - Interesting and Shocking Facts

10 Facts about Global Warming

  1. Geologists predict that sea levels may ascend between 7 and 23 inches by 2100 if the current trends of warming continue.
  2. The strongest contributory factors of frightening global warming are the emission of greenhouse gases. Methane, carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide are some of the green house gases that cause climate change.
  3. One of the main sources of detrimental carbon dioxide is power plants which emit gases through burning fossil fuels.
  4. Another factor for global warming is deforestation, wherein the forests are being cut and burnt intended for industrialization and residence. Fewer trees mean less conversion of carbon dioxide to oxygen.
  5. The burnt gasoline from the engines of vehicles contributes 20% of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
  6. The shocking fact about global warming – in 1989, orange toads became extinct and became the first animals to become extinct due to global warming.
  7. The area of the desert is gradually increasing due to the increase in the average temperature on our planet.
  8. By the year 2100, the average temperature may rise by 2-4 ° C and that could be disastrous for our planet.
  9. Each year in the 21st century ranks among the hottest since 1880.
  10. The surface area of the Arctic ice from 1970 to 2002 decreased by about 25% and this is just a frightening fact. Also, during this period, the thickness of the Arctic ice was almost halved.

Hope these 10 facts about global warming were interesting!