10 Facts About Poverty – Interesting and Global Facts of Poverty in the World
In this post, we will check 10 interesting facts about poverty in the world. Poverty in most countries remains prevalent and looks like it is here to stay. Orshansky has clearly defined poverty as being poor, being deprived of the goods, services, and pleasure that others around us, take for granted. The very basic necessities in life like food, shelter, hygiene and education are the common indicators if people belong to an impoverished lot. Deprivation of these means poverty.

Governments around the globe have set guidelines to define poverty clearly. They base it on the poverty line which shows the daily income of a person that he/she need in order to survive. Every nation’s poverty line is defined on the basis of its national income, gross domestic product, and net national product. The international poverty line which is set by the World Bank is $1.25 per day. There is an alarming poverty fact showing 3 billion people earning less than $1.25.
10 Facts About Poverty
Here’s the list of 10 facts about poverty:
- There are more poor people in the developing countries while less in the developed nations.
- About 852 million people went hungry in 2007-2008. A horrifying fact reveals that 25,000 children die every day due to starvation. Twenty percent of children in developing nations suffer from malnutrition.
- The survey said that about 660 million people have poor sanitation facilities. Because of this, diarrhea cases are rampant which causes 1.8 million deaths among children each year.
- Another fact about poverty reveals that 640 million children are homeless. Four hundred million of these don’t have access to safe drinking water.
- About 121 million children cannot attend school because of poverty.
- An interesting poverty fact is reported that less than a percent of what the world spent every year on weapons and useless destructive researches were needed to put every child in a school and give him a childhood and yet it was not given to these children.
- 2018 was a terrible year in terms of welfare payments. Only 55% of the world’s population received social benefits.
- Global climate change can also affect the growth of poverty in the world. The World Bank (2015) estimates that climate change could lead to poverty for 100 million people worldwide by 2030.
- There are two regions on our planet where poverty is widespread. These regions are South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa.
- The experts wrote to the conclusion that poverty and crime are closely related. In regions where poverty reigns, crime is more widespread than in other regions.