14 interesting facts about Princess Olga

Of all the rulers of Russia from ancient times to the Bolshevik revolution, Princess Olga was perhaps one of the most famous. She not only held power, taking it into her own hands, but also contributed a lot to the spread of the Orthodox faith in Russian lands. Not so much is known about her life, but we know that during the era of her reign, the level of prosperity of Kievan Rus grew rapidly.

About 4 films were shot about her life.
The godfather of Princess Olga was Constantine, Emperor of Byzantium.
Of all the rulers of Kievan Rus, Princess Olga was the first to accept Christianity. In baptism, she received the name Elena.
In the middle of the XVI century, she was counted among the saints.
Not many facts are known about the life of Princess Olga, but historians agree that she was born in the territory of the modern Pskov region.

After she took the throne, the construction of numerous Orthodox churches began on the lands subject to her.
At the end of the X century, when the horde of nomadic Pechenegs once again invaded Russia, Princess Olga personally led the defense of Kiev.
Holy Princess Olga is considered the patroness of converts Christians, as well as widows.
After her son Svyatoslav, the one that the mighty Khazar Khaganate swept into pieces, officially began to rule Kiev, in fact, power remained in the hands of Princess Olga, as Svyatoslav spent almost his entire life in military campaigns and battles.

The story includes the reprisal of the princess over the Drevlyans, who deceived her husband by deceit. More precisely, there were three.
Judging by the surviving annalistic source, Princess Olga lived for about eighty years.
In the era of her reign, the construction of stone houses began. The princely palace became the first stone building.
The wife of Princess Olga was Igor Rurikovich, the son of Rurik himself.
Officially, she was the ruler for only fifteen years, until Svyatoslav took the throne.