17 interesting and fun facts about sea turtles

Long-living sea turtles in their life have time to see more than many people. Many of them lead a rather secretive lifestyle, only occasionally getting out to land, but still they are threatened with extinction. Mankind, unfortunately, has long launched a large-scale hunt for these creatures, and, despite all the efforts made, poachers still actively catch them.

Adult sea turtles eat only plant food, but cubs and young animals prey on all kinds of crustaceans and other trifles.
Only one in a hundred baby sea turtles survive. The rest die in the very first hours and minutes after they get out of the shell.
These animals have no parental instinct. Having laid eggs on the shore, they immediately leave them forever.
Migrating over great distances, sea turtles always accurately find the right place. The magnetic field of the Earth helps them navigate. By the way, migratory birds are also oriented towards it.
The life span of a sea turtle can exceed one hundred years.

When the time comes to lay eggs, they always return to where they themselves were born, even if for this they have to overcome thousands of kilometers.
Clumsy and slow on land, in water, sea turtles swim pretty quickly. And they row only their front paws.
Among all the turtles of the world, only leathery does not have a hard shell.
When swimming, they are able to reach speeds of up to 35 km / h.
The ancestors of sea turtles inhabited our planet about 100 million years ago.
The largest sea turtles weigh up to 350-400 kg. But a fair fraction of this weight falls on the shell.

They can exist only in warm regions, therefore they live only in the seas of the tropical and subtropical zones.
Sea turtles, living in different places, but in similar conditions, still begin the mating season at different times. Why is the mystery.
On average, an adult female lays up to a thousand eggs.
Green sea turtles are the largest of them. The length of the shell can reach 130-140 centimeters.
Land turtles of almost all species are inferior in size to their marine counterparts.
In Malaysia, there is an ancient legend claiming that it was the sea turtle that once created our world.