20 interesting and fun facts about beans

Almost all over the world, beans are more or less popular. Its use in food is recommended for a balanced diet – in the absence of individual contraindications, of course. And from it you can cook a huge number of delicious dishes – beans in this regard are really almost universal, which they just do not make!

Bean protein is very similar to meat protein, and is absorbed by the body by three quarters, so beans are its most valuable source.
The weight of an average bean is about one gram.
In some Asian countries, for example, in Korea, flour is made from beans, and then various goodies are baked from this flour.
Bean Day is celebrated in Bulgaria every year, on the last Sunday of November.
Lima beans have developed a unique protective mechanism. Caterpillars often eat it, but if the plant feels that it is beginning to eat, it releases into the air a substance that lures wasps, which actively destroy these same caterpillars.

Beans are always eaten only after heat treatment, but not everyone knows that fresh red beans are poisonous. But the toxins in it break down under the influence of high temperature.
The total annual bean harvest worldwide is about 25 million tons.
Diabetes products are made from bean pods.
Beans contain a huge amount of vitamin C. More than, for example, apricots or plums.
Most beans in the world are produced in China, Brazil and the USA.

It contains more protein than chicken.
Now in different countries around the world about 200 varieties of beans are cultivated.
The British still call her Dutch beans, since it was the Dutch merchants who brought beans to the British Isles for the first time.
She first got to Europe after the voyage of Christopher Columbus, who brought her from South America.
Some bean varieties can grow up to three meters in height.

In the 19th century, it was included in the diet of French soldiers, because Emperor Napoleon believed that eating it helps to strengthen muscles and improve brain function.
Akito beans smell like fresh mushrooms.
The ancient Egyptians made cosmetics from beans, for example, whitewash, which women used to make their skin lighter.
Beans are very rich in fiber. One hundred grams of it contains about half of the amount that an adult needs daily.
There are more vitamins and other useful substances in dark beans than in light beans.