Australian cuisine

The cuisine of Australia is a peculiar variety of dishes of various nationalities. Here, both European dishes and Asian dishes are somewhat transformed by local culinary experts. The menu of Australian cuisine is very diverse, but mainly meat and fish dishes.

Exotic dishes of kangaroo meat and beef, fish, seafood and vegetables are prepared only from products made in Australia.

Australia is a country with a peculiar history. This distant continent, where the half-savages lived, became the haven of hundreds of thousands of colonists. As a result, people of many nationalities gathered on this continent. More than 20 million people now live here.

Moreover, most of them are Europeans: the British and Germans, Italians and French, Greeks and Russians, well, almost all European nationalities.

Many people come from Asia, mainly from China and India, as well as representatives of other Asian countries. There are former residents of America and the ocean islands. All peoples who arrived in Australia brought with them their customs and traditions. But after many years, all this was so mixed up that by now its own specific Australian culture had formed.

And although some communities still try to somehow preserve their national characteristics, they do not succeed, because all this diverse society constantly communicates with each other in all matters of life. This is especially true for young people. They have developed their own Australian mentality, which is now impossible to change.

Contemporary Australia

The same goes for the kitchen. Modern Australian cuisine is a kind of alloy of various culinary preferences. This is a pretty original meal made with products made in Australia. This is not surprising, Australia has great potential to provide the entire population of the country with its necessary products. A huge number of cattle and sheep are raised on this continent. A lot of cows and a lot of different dairy products, including cheeses.


Although there were no pigs in Australia before, they were brought here by white people, they say that Captain Cook brought them here for the first time. Pigs quickly adapted to the new conditions, and when they were free, they began to breed with incredible speed, becoming a serious threat to many local animals, as well as plants. Now there are more than 23 million wild pigs, that is, more than people, of whom about 21 million. In order to preserve the crops, real raids are organized on them, firing in large batches.

In addition, there are many pig farms that raise millions more heads, so Australians are doing just fine with pork.

No problem with poultry. A lot of poultry farms breeding all types of poultry, including ostriches, and chicken eggs are necessarily included in the diet of any Australian.

Australian ostriches

Australia is located on the border of two oceans and surrounded by several seas, so seafood is plentiful. A variety of fish, oysters and mussels, scallops and octopuses, crabs and shrimps, lobsters and lobsters, as well as shark meat are only part of the wealth of the fish table of Australians.


Well, vegetables and fruits are special in Australia. Here they grow almost everything that is what is in all other countries of the world, but in addition there are many that are not seen on other continents.


The abundance of products has led to the fact that a real boom of Australian cuisine began on the green mainland in the 90s of the last century. In all cities of Australia, many new restaurants began to appear, with a tendency to advertise “modern Australian cuisine.” And in this, the Australians achieved great success due to two factors: the variety and unusualness of the dishes, as well as their cheapness. Now Australian cuisine is one of the most exotic and diverse in the world. She begins to gain popularity in many countries of the world. It has already been recognized that if 30 years ago France was the center of world gastronomy, now it is undoubtedly Australia.

In principle, Australian cuisine is based on English cuisine, but with great use of oriental dishes and cooking techniques borrowed from Chinese, Italian and other cuisines of the world. Australian cuisine has combined east and west, and in addition has brought its own traditions. The result was tremendous success. Thanks to this, modern Australian cuisine has become one of the most exotic and diverse in the world.