Carrots Nutrition Facts – 10 Interesting and Fun Facts

In this post, we will check 10 facts about carrots’ nutrition. Carrots are a taproot type of vegetable which are orange in color eaten by humans, rabbits, and horses. The orange color of carrots is due to their beta-carotene content which, when digested by humans or animals, becomes absorbed by the body as vitamin A. Get to know more information and nutrition facts about carrots.

Carrots Nutrition Facts - 10 Interesting and Fun Facts

Interesting Facts about Carrots

  1. Research shows that a daily intake of carrot juice improves the body’s immunity to diseases by up to 70%.
  2. Carrots are good for the skin because of their anti-oxidant characteristic and vitamin E content which helps rejuvenate dead skin cells.
  3. Intake of carrots should, however, be kept at a moderate level because an overdose of carrots can lead to hypercarotenemia, a medical condition where the skin’s color becomes orange and the liver is irreversibly damaged.
  4. Carrots contain fiber which aids in animal digestion and excretion.
  5. Carrots contain 100% beta-carotene which studies show can
    prevent cancer.
  6. British Columbia produces about eight million kilograms of carrots a year.
  7. Carrots are used in numerous culinary preparations such as in baking and cooking main dishes. We only eat the root part of the carrot which is best eaten raw to enjoy its full nutritional contents.
  8. Studies show that carrots can also protect against heart diseases and stroke.
  9. Carrots have become known as “the poor man’s ginseng” because it contains roughly 500 phytochemicals.
  10. Aside from beta-carotene, carrots contain potassium, calcium, and vitamins B and C.

Hope you enjoy these 10 interesting and fun facts about carrots’ nutrition.