Common hedgehog – Lifestyle, Breeding and offspring

The ordinary hedgehog is a well-known animal, the distinguishing feature of which is the presence of dark needles on the back. The length of the needles can grow up to 3 cm. The muzzle, legs, and abdomen are covered with hard fur.

Typically, the length of the body of the hedgehog is 14-28 cm and weighs an average of 800 g, although before hibernating, the weight can reach 1200 g. The female hedgehog usually weighs less than the male. The hedgehog has an elongated shape of the muzzle, a wet sharp nose, round black eyes, short ears.

Mostly hedgehogs lead a solitary lifestyle. Aggressively passes protection of food areas in males. The hedgehog is lining its nest with leaves, wood, dry herbs. Usually in the summer, hedgehogs do not dig holes, they can simply take minks from rodents. Activity occurs at night. Ordinary hedgehogs curled up in a glomerulus. Having accumulated fat reserves, they fall into hibernation upon the onset of frost, which lasts until April.

Protecting plants from various pests is a troublesome task for the gardener, but such a small animal as a hedgehog will come to your aid. His diet is mainly composed of pests that cause you a lot of trouble. Various insects, snails, slugs, earthworms, caterpillars – this is not the whole list of what the ordinary hedgehog eats. It also feeds on plant fauna – mushrooms, berries, fruits.

After the hedgehogs get out of hibernation, they start the mating season. This time is accompanied by fights of males, each other touches, needles, crush are used. The courtship of the male for the female takes place in winding circles around her. The separation between the female and the male occurs immediately after mating. Hedgehogs pregnancy lasts for 49 days. Usually, there is only one litter per year, which consists of 5-8 babies. Hedgehogs are born naked, blind, with pink skin, and after a few hours they can already see soft needles.