Facts about cats
Scientists usually prefer cats, rather than dogs.
- Cats are not able to feel the taste of sweets or cookies.
- Men with cats are more often lucky in love. Yes, and in themselves such men are much kinder and more gentle. A man with a cat will not make you choose between him and your four-legged friend.
- The cat’s brain is similar to the human. For emotions they have similar human areas.
- When a cat rubs against a person – it marks it. So if your cat constantly rubs you, you can consider yourself her property! 🙂
- Aylurophilia refers to too strong a love for these cute animals.
- Catter owners have a 30% chance of a heart attack or stroke.
- Although the IQ of cats is several times lower than the canine, cats are able to solve more complex tasks. Does it remind you of anything?
- Despite the fact that in all movies and cartoons cats drink milk, in fact, these tailed pets suffer from intolerance to lactose …
- All the cartoons lie! Most cats hate fish.
- Many believe that in addition to the force of attraction, Newton invented the cat’s door.
- Murmuring cats can be interpreted in different ways … A cat can murch from pleasure, nervousness and illness. But my cat likes to grumble while biting my leg or arm. Or while hunting for mice.
- It is believed that the cat murchits with the frequency with which its muscles and bones are restored.
- Cats drift 18 hours a day.
- Any cat can play 100 different sounds. This is 90% more than any dog ​​can reproduce.
- The largest cat is more than a meter long. His children probably do not drag him by the tail either!
- With the help of meow, cats like to manipulate people, for example, their master. They are even capable of reproducing the child’s voice.
- Cat ears consist of 20 muscles! Impossible to imagine, is not it ?!
- Australia is considered a country of cats. 90% of Australians have in the house these shaggy pests.
- The first cat video was filmed in the 19th century.
- Every third cattery believes that his pet is a psychic and reads the thoughts of the owner. And he brings beer and switches channels! 🙂
- The record for the feline offspring belongs to Dusty. During her short life she had over 400 kittens.