Facts about lobsters
Lobster, in cooking is considered a delicacy.
- Most people think that lobsters are red. In fact, they are brown or olive green with reddish hues. They blush after cooking, because heat destroys all pigments, except red.
- Caught in Canada, a lobster weighing 20.15 kg is the largest lobster in the world, which entered the Guinness Book of Records.
- Previously, lobsters were used as bait for fish or as fertilizer.
- Lobsters differ from other crustaceans in large clawed extremities, otherwise they are similar.
- There are 49 species of lobsters in the world.
- Annually about 200 thousand tons of lobsters are caught.
- Lobsters use their claws to catch and cut the prey.
- The brain and nervous system, heart, lobster stomach is similar to the human.
- The body of a lobster is protected by an external skeleton called “exoskeleton”.
- Deep-sea lobsters are blind. Other species have complex eyes. They can not see a clear image, but they can detect movement even at night.
- Lobsters eat mainly mollusks, worms and crustaceans. They also consume algae and another type of marine vegetation.
- Males are larger than females, males live 31 years, females 54 years.