Facts about Papua New Guinea

It is Papua New Guinea that still remains one of the most primitive countries in the world. In fact, there are enough corners on Earth where civilization has not yet reached, but it is in Papua that a great many tribes still lead a primitive way of life, without even knowing how big the world is and what place their country occupies in it. What, however, the country? The inhabitants of the jungle and passports, no.

In most parts of the country, the land is so saturated with moisture that any construction is extremely difficult.
Papua New Guinea has few highways and covers only a small part of the country. Its more distant areas can only be reached by plane or sea transport.
The capital, Port Moresby, consistently included in the list of the most dangerous cities in the world.
Papua New Guinea has a whole list of countries whose citizens in this country are unwanted guests. Russia is also included in this list.
Most of the population here still leads a lifestyle close to the primitive. The urban population in this country is only about 15%.
The population of Moscow is a third larger than the population of Papua New Guinea.

The nominal head of this state is the ruling English monarch.
Until 2013, the law on witchcraft acted and applied – the alleged sorcerer could easily part with life, becoming the victim of angry villagers.
There are three official languages ​​- English, Hiri Mota and Tok Pisin. In fact, every tribe living in complete isolation in the jungle has its own language, and the inhabitants of one village usually do not understand the inhabitants of another, located 20 kilometers away from them. English is owned by about 1% of the population.
There are about 800 languages ​​in Papua New Guinea, which is 10% of their global total.
Some primitive tribes, for example, cows, still practice cannibalism, and even do not hide it.
The prices here are huge, why – it is not clear. And everything is cosmically expensive, not only for visitors, but also for locals. A room in a hotel with a mold covered with a dirty bed and without air conditioning will easily cost about $ 100.
Once rich gold deposits were developed here, but they have already been fully developed.
The extremely low level of development of all spheres of life in Papua New Guinea is evidenced by the fact that even a poor country of Cuba has been supporting it since the beginning of the 21st century.

Here lives a unique bird – the crowned pigeon. It is not found anywhere else in the world.
In addition to the main possessions, Papua – New Guinea owns about 600 smaller islands.
Here grows about 20 thousand species of plants.
By the time of the beginning of colonization in the 19th century, the local aborigines lived just like their distant ancestors a few thousand years ago.
Almost all the shores of Papua New Guinea are marshy lowlands or mangroves, stretching several tens of kilometers inland.
The famous traveler Miklouho-Maclay for 4 years lived in a primitive village with local Papuans, studying their life, customs and habits.