Facts about porcupines

Porcupine is a mammal that belongs to a detachment of rodents. Do you know a lot of interesting facts about porcupines? Most likely, no, and it is understandable why. Porcupine is not so common creature, as for example flies or ants that surround us throughout life. So, what’s the most interesting thing you can learn about porcupines?

  • In the event of a threat, some African porcupines raise their needles and run backwards against the enemy.
  • The African combed porcupine warns potential rivals, frighteningly shaking the needles on the tail. At the same time they produce a sound similar to the sounds of a rattlesnake.
  • Another interesting fact – the North American porcupine is very weak eyesight.
  • In a newborn porcupine, needles are soft, but harden a few hours after birth.
  • Some porcupines pick up bones to sharpen their teeth. In addition, the bones provide them with phosphorus.
  • Combed porcupines live longer than all rodents, the record is more than 27 years.
  • American porcupines are often attacked by martens, who turn them on their backs to avoid pricks with spines, and kill them.
  • Tsepkohvostye South American porcupines are active at night, and every day they climb onto a new tree.
  • Newborn porcupines are born with soft needles to facilitate the process of childbirth. A few hours later, their needles harden.
  • Porcupines of the Old World do not climb trees.
  • Some North American porcupines are passionate lovers of salt, they are known for gnawing gloves, boots and saddles, salted with sweat.
  • Porcupines have the longest needles among all mammals.
  • The length of the porcupine needles reaches up to 40 cm, if they are pricked, they can cause inflammation.
  • Some porcupines on their bodies have up to 30 thousand needles.
  • Porcupines are common in Europe, the United States, Canada, India, Africa, Asia and South America.
  • Porcupines do not “shoot” their needles, they are so easily released by touch.
  • When old needles are lost, they are replaced with new ones.
  • Porcupines are nocturnal animals. During the day they sleep and become active in the evening.
  • Porcupines are herbivores, they feed on leaves, bark, fruits.
  • Porcupines live about 15 – 18 years.