Gumamela Scientific Name

The gumamela scientific name is Hibiscus. It is considered an ornamental flower and is very popular in the Philippines. This flower almost covers Mount Banahou. There are nearly 300 species of this plant all over the world.

Gumamela is a very beautiful flower and due to its beauty, this flower is very popular. It is an erect and highly branched flower. Gumamela can grow from 1 to 4 meters in height. It has glossy green leaves, flowers come in different colors, mostly white, red, yellow, and pink. You can see the picture of this flower below.

Gumamela Scientific Name

As we mentioned, the gumamela’s scientific name is Hibiscus, but anyway, most people know this flower as Hibiscus, not gumamela. This flower is not only used in decorative needs, but also in medicine. For example, the gumamela’s leaves decoction is used for fevers. It also helps reduce blood pressure or helps relieve depression. If we briefly describe the use of this flower in medicine, then we can say that this is a very useful plant from the point of view of medicine, and this is a fact.

People use the petals, leaves, and flowers of gumamela in their daily life. For example, if you don’t have spinach at hand, then the young leaves of this flower can replace it. Many people use gumamela petals to brew tea, by the way, it turns out very tasty tea.

In the end, we should mention, that gumamela is a local name for this flower. This name mostly uses Philippinian people. Worldwide people use the gumamela scientific name – Hibiscus.