How many babies do guinea pigs have ?

Usually 2-4 cubs weighing from 50 to 110 g each appear on the light. The weakest, as a rule, perishes. The female does not try to feed him. Having only two nipples, it can come out from the strength of 2-3 young. Kids are born sighted, well-formed and almost independent.

Sexual maturation in guinea pigs occurs at two- and three-month age. However, do not chance them until they are at least six months old, and multiply more than twice a year. Pigs carry offspring for a long time, about two months. Childbirth lasts 15-45 minutes.

Although milf feeds their milk for about a month, they are already on the 3rd-6th day begin to try the grass that the mother eats, and play funny. We can excommunicate them from the mother in 3 weeks. Of course, to give birth to such an independent offspring, the female needs a lot of strength, health.

It is not recommended to pair the guinea pigs from November to April and especially in February, when molting begins. In long-haired animals, it lasts 1.5-2 months. At this time the animals are very weakened and they are not up to the offspring. They must be fed, strengthened.