Interesting facts about popcorn

Such a popular snack, like popcorn, has appeared in the USA. More precisely, there began its mass production, after which popcorn quickly became popular in most countries of the world. What kind of its varieties do not offer it now – sweet, salty, sour, spicy … But in fact, for the first time, people invented it much earlier than is commonly thought.

More than five hundred years ago, American Indians used popcorn as decoration, making beads and bracelets out of it.
Well-dried popcorn has great strength, even if it is afraid of moisture.
In the countries of the Balkan Peninsula, popcorn was once one of the most popular decorations for the Christmas tree.
The first compact mechanism for producing popcorn was invented in the USA in 1985.

In the United States during the Great Depression, the popularity of popcorn flew up to heaven for several years, since the population simply had no money, and this snack remained very inexpensive.
Popcorn explodes because of the structure of the corn kernels – hard outside and soft inside.
Now as a filler, protecting the cargo from damage during transportation, often use foam or foam balls. And in the last century, popcorn cooked without butter was used for this purpose. And, by the way, quite successfully.

In order to turn the corn kernels into popcorn, they must be heated to 190 degrees.
The benefit of popcorn is the availability of dietary fiber in it, as well as vitamins of groups A and B. True, it is leveled by the fact that it is usually prepared with butter, which is not very useful.
In American cinema, popcorn has been sold since 1912.