Interesting facts about Vincent Van Gogh

World-famous painter Vincent Van Gogh lived a hard life, the details of which are not so much known. He was not besieged by crowds of admirers, his paintings did not expose famous galleries, and he himself, according to his contemporary memoirs, was a very strange person. But in the end justice triumphed, and now the paintings of Van Gogh have found a new life in the best exhibition halls of the world.

Before the birth of the future painter, his parents had a son, who was named Vincent. Alas, he died immediately after birth. When the future artist was born, he was also named Vincent.
Young Van Gon, who was considered by others to be a quiet and well-brought-up boy, often clashed with his parents.
Back in childhood, Vincent dropped out of school. Subsequently, he was forced to return there, but he left his studies a few more times.
For a long time, Wang Gong planned to follow in the footsteps of his father, a pastor, and intended to devote his life to the church.
Paid education Vincent considered unfair discrimination, believing that it should be accessible to all.
After studying at the Brussels Academy of Arts for one year, he left classes and chose to study painting independently and with the help of private lessons.
For the first time, Van Gogh tried his hand at painting when he was already an adult.

For ten years of work, he wrote about two thousand paintings. Yes, this is quite an amazing fact – the creative career of Van Gogh lasted only ten years.
Because of the conflict with Paul Gauguin, Van Gogh became nervous and for no reason known reason, he really cut off his earlobe for the next night.
Due to the incident with the ear, the residents of the city where the artist lived were concerned about his state of mind. As a result, at their insistence, Van Gogh was exiled to a special settlement for the mentally ill. However, he continued to create there.

Vincent was in love with his cousin, and because of this feeling, which he did not even think to hide, all his relatives turned away from him, except for his brother Theo.
Throughout his life, Van Gogh was not popular. The first positive article about his picture appeared only in the last year of the painter’s life. But the real confession came a few decades after his death.
There is a popular myth that Wang Gon sold only one of his paintings during his lifetime. This is hardly true, as there is evidence that he had sold his canvases for modest money more than once.

The hardest artist was given human figures – he simply could not reliably write them. Modern critics agree that the reason for this was the lack of art education.
He died after being injured in the chest from a pistol, which drove away the birds. Some still consider it suicidal.
The last words of Vincent Van Gogh – “the sadness will last forever.”
After his death, Vincent’s brother, Theo, tried to organize an exhibition of his name, but he was damaged by reason and died six months later.
The name Van Gona is one of the craters on the planet Mercury.
The paintings of this painter occupy a place in the list of the most expensive paintings ever sold at auction.
Van Gogh could completely paint a picture in just a few hours, while declaring that he had studied for ten years to be able to do something worthwhile in two hours.