Interesting facts and myths about tanning

Tanning, or prolonged exposure to solar radiation, is undoubtedly harmful to health, accelerates skin aging and is the most common cause of melanoma. Should the sun be avoided? Of course not, because it also has a beneficial effect on many processes necessary for the proper development and functioning of the body.

During tanning, three types of UV-A, UV-B and UV-C radiation act on the skin. Ultraviolet radiation affects the skin throughout the year, penetrates deeply through its layers, damaging collagen fibers and accelerating the aging process. The face, neck and arms are especially susceptible to this.

By stimulating the synthesis of skin pigment, melanin, it can cause allergic reactions in the form of redness and itching. UV-B radiation affects the surface layers of the skin mainly in the summer and is responsible for a beautiful and long-lasting tan. Unfortunately, he is also responsible for the formation of sunburn and irreversible changes in the skin, which can cause the formation of foci of the tumor. UV radiation is almost completely absorbed by the ozone layer and does not significantly affect the condition of the skin.

Excessive tanning can cause skin cancer – Fact

It has long been known, and this is confirmed by many scientific studies that excessive exposure to sunlight and related burns can cause serious skin diseases that threaten not only health but also life. Among the most common types of skin cancer, we distinguish basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. The melanomas that cause the highest number of deaths among people with skin cancer are especially dangerous, although they are rare.

May Cause Allergies – Fact

Solar radiation can cause a number of harmless but unpleasant skin diseases that result from an allergic reaction. Which is characterized by skin rashes with concomitant inflammation and itching, light rashes in the form of pink-red spots, blisters and erythema, resulting from increased sensitivity of hair follicles to solar radiation.

Excessive sun exposure can cause aging and unhealthy skin – Fact

Ultraviolet radiation, penetrating the skin, damages the collagen fibers responsible for its proper structure and elasticity, leading to the formation of wrinkles – the so-called photo-aging effect. There may also be keratosis and peeling of the skin and discoloration. Under the influence of the sun, the secretion of sebum is enhanced, acne is formed, acne is exacerbated, small capillaries expand and break. People with vascular skin, rosacea, or herpes should use special high-filter creams.

Avoid the sun all year – Myth

You should not completely abandon the effects of the sun, because it has a very beneficial effect on the functioning of our body. This stimulates the release of endorphins, which improves our well-being, and we become more active. The most desirable effect of its action is the synthesis of vitamin D necessary, among other things, for the proper development of bones. In the summer, 15 minutes of sun exposure per day is enough to get the necessary amount of “vitamin of the sun”. There are studies confirming the beneficial effects of the sun on libido and fertility. Exposure to solar radiation increases nitric oxide synthesis, which dilates blood vessels and lowers blood pressure. This action has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and circulatory system, which reduces the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction.

Tanning in a solarium is healthier than sunbathing – Myth

We often hear opinions that sunbathing in a solarium is less harmful than the sun. This is not so, because tanning lamps contain ultraviolet radiation several tens of times more than if you spend a long day in the sun on a clear day. The processes resulting from such a strong exposure of the skin in a very short time are much faster.

When going out in the sun, it is enough to lubricate the exposed parts of the body with a cream with a high filter – Myth

It should be remembered that sunscreens effectively protect our skin for up to two hours, so you should use them at least every two hours, before and after each bath. We will also remember that bright airy tissues allow sunlight to pass through, so you should use a cream with a filter for the whole body.

Beautifully tanned skin looks attractive, healthy and is a symbol of a good rest, but do not forget to maintain moderation during sunbathing and protect your skin properly using cosmetics with a filter selected by skin type.