Ostrich Emu – Description and lifestyle

The Australian ostrich emu is very similar to the African ostrich. It is precisely because of their striking similarities that the emu was for a long time attributed to the species of ostrich-like. However, this opinion is erroneous, since it has already been proved that this bird is closer to the cassowary and is one of the species of the emu family in the cassowary order.

Thus, in addition to a slight external resemblance, the Australian emu has nothing to do with the African ostrich. This is a completely different bird.

Emu ostrich is not an ordinary bird. Although it is a feathered one from the order of cassowary, and propagated by eggs, it has a lifestyle and habits like any animal. Emu live in semi-desert and wooded areas of Australia, eat plant foods and absolutely can not fly. Emu moves only with the help of legs, step or jogging. Actually, he has wings, but like many non-flying birds, emu wings are underdeveloped. The wings are about 25 centimeters long, and there is a small claw at the end of each wing.

But the emu has very developed legs, which are devoid of plumage, and have three clawed fingers on each. Sharp claws allow him to fight with rivals during the mating season, as well as fight off enemies. But since among the land animals of Australia there are no predators except the Dingo dog, this walking bird is not in danger of anything except man. But even a person to catch an ostrich emu is almost impossible. During the run, the emu can just take giant steps – more than 2.5 meters long and reaches a speed of up to 50 km / h. Although usually Emu walk without rushing at a speed of about 5 km / h, passing in a day up to 25 km

The nomadic lifestyle that emu ostriches lead, allows them to overcome very significant distances in a day in search of food. The nutrition method is quite curious: to grind food, an emu, like an African ostrich, swallows pebbles, glass and even small pieces of metal. Birds rarely drink, but if possible, they do not deny themselves the pleasure of getting drunk and sitting in the water.


Emu ostrich has excellent eyesight and excellent hearing. They can notice the approaching danger within a few hundred meters and prevent close proximity with dangerous predators, as well as with people. If collisions cannot be avoided, very strong paws are used as a means of protection.

Emu always keep in small groups of 5-6 individuals. But there are also birds who prefer a solitary lifestyle. Females and males are not easy to distinguish. They have the same plumage, which tends to vary depending on the range of air temperature. The special structure of the feathers prevents overheating, so emu ostriches easily tolerate even the most intense heat.

The main responsibilities of the female is only to lay eggs. After which the male independently equips the nest, making it cozy for future chicks.

Emu nests are located in a recess in a well-visible area. At one time, the female lays 7-9 fairly large eggs, reaching a weight of 800 to 1000 grams. The male emu hatches and protects the eggs for 65 days, without parting with them literally for a minute.

The whole period of hatching, he practically does not eat and survives thanks to the fat reserve stored in advance. After the long-awaited hatching of the chicks, the male emu carefully guides them along and protects them in every possible way. The fluff with which the chicks are covered is striped. Chicks reach full development by almost two years. At this time, the males are quite aggressive, and if a person or animal appears nearby, they can easily give the “ill-wisher” a blow from a strong leg.