Strange dreams

Sleep, perhaps the most widely studied special state of consciousness of man and animals. The fact that such a dream is trying to figure out many learned minds is not one century. Spend heaps of tests, experiments. Well, and our ancestors considered the dream a gift of God or the machinations of an unclean person.

Sleep is just a dream or prophesy. And there is such a thing as a dream. Just a dream is pleasant, fabulous, beautiful, nightmarish, or even incomprehensible. As a rule, we do not remember such dreams except for the most vivid or nightmarish.

Prophetic dream can see anyone. But few people give them at least some attention, or even they cannot remember at all what they dreamed of at night. Only a feeling of something after waking up remains.

Scientists say that in a dream the brain works, it works with the same tension as during wakefulness: it analyzes the events that have occurred, it checks the state of the internal organs and makes possible scenarios of future events. Maybe this is what can explain prophetic dreams? The dream is to allow the brain to do all this work. And then to figure out what strange dreams we had today.

Prophetic dream, in the interpretation of scientists, these are possible scenarios that the brain is working on. Most of them he immediately forgets. How much a dream will turn out to be true depends solely on the analytic ability of the sleeper. Therefore, according to research, prophetic dreams are more often removed from people of a logical and analytical mindset))).

But the Indians were the most knowledgeable in their dreams. They believe that sleep is the journey of our astral body through parallel worlds. And they knew how to travel in dreams. It is enough to read Carlos Castaneda, who has experienced what a dream is. “Dreaming means holding the assembly point where it moved in a dream,” “Adjusting a dream means having a practical ability to precisely control the overall course of the situation in the dream.” Once you succeed, the concept of “strange dreams” simply won’t be left … for you will find a perfect new life, a life in a dream …

In dreams, people, as a rule, deal not with intellectual, scientific, cultural or professional problems, but with their hidden desires and ideas, with their inner world full of conflicts. In dreams, the thoughts of a person about themselves and their thoughts are expressed. About the people with whom he communicates, about the world. About bans and punishments for their violation. On the difficulties faced by the sleeper, and on how to achieve the goal.

The most vivid, colorful and impressive dreams for children. Many adults remember that in childhood they flew in a dream. Flying in a dream is not possible to compare with flights in reality, say a paraglider or parachute. In a dream you control your body and I am sure that you will never fall, you can fly wherever you want.

And the most terrible dreams are dreams of children, and very often these dreams with the continuation … Adults too, but it is the children who have an unbalanced, subtle and impressionable psyche.
For centuries, people were afraid of dreams and therefore tried to interpret them. So the dream books appeared. For some reason, the dream event takes on the opposite meaning in dream books. And in general they are some kind of marasmic. I believe that in the interpretation of a dream one should turn first to one’s intuition. But one of my friends said that all that dream is for money. And what is most striking is that she is right))))) And one of the greats said that life is the continuation of sleep …