Where is the dead sea?

The Dead Sea is the only sea lake on Earth. Amazing, unusual, mysterious. The Dead Sea has already existed for more than one century, and its history contains many amazing events. The great and majestic sea in recent years has been threatened with complete destruction.

And this is an important problem not only for environmental organizations. In Israel over the past year, more than one failure of the soil has been noticed, and in large cities. It all comes from draining the Dead Sea.

The thing is that the Dead Sea contains an amazing composition of minerals and salts. Therefore, industrial production is especially developed in the southern part. Even made special pools that communicate with each other. This damaged the natural water supply system of the sea-lake. A strong drainage and a drop in water level are stronger and stronger noticeable every year.

It is the most salty in the world. There are no fish or other animals in this sea. Such an environment is disastrous for everyone. Only some types of microorganisms and bacteria successfully live and function in the Dead Sea. Another problem of the Dead Sea is in excessive drains from the territory of Jordan. The waters are extremely dirty and cause great harm to the natural environment of the Dead Sea. Household waste and plastic trash are also a serious problem. The main influx of such garbage is observed in the spring months. In general, this is a kind of unique natural phenomenon. It looks especially unusual in the mornings when salt fumes stand above the water. People who visited Israel always went to the shores of this sea. This is a must for any excursion program.
Even the name on this sea is “Dead”. On the shores of the desert, over the expanse of the sea, the bright sun always burns. This sea is very symbolic, it carries a lot of things from Asian cultures and traditions. How can one not recall that on the shores of this lake ancient letters were found dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. And there is so much surprising in them that resembles Christian customs. But this is all a story. Now this once majestic sea needs protection and protection. Domestic pollution has reached a critical point. The sea is becoming smaller and sinking deeper into the ground.

This is very dangerous for the adjacent territories and for the entire biosphere of this area. The Dead Sea is very useful industrially, and its salvation is a priority. Pumping groundwater in large quantities is very harmful to this sea. This sea is a unique resort, to the shores of which masses of tourists from all over the world flock.

The Dead Sea has unique healing properties that affect immunity so well. There are also special health resorts with healing mud along the shores; there are always a lot of visitors here. In Jordan and Israel, they are trying to help the Dead Sea biosphere and restore it. But the project that will build the canal between the Dead Sea and the Red Sea costs about $ 4 billion. Moreover, the consequences are not clear to scientists. So this project is still in a long box. Near this sea many specialized clinics have been built. Dead Sea water, rich in minerals and vitamins, has a healing effect on the human body. Visiting this sea is also beneficial for immunity. In general, this sea performs many important and useful, socio-cultural functions. And as a heritage of centuries, it must exist and be a tourist Mecca. Therefore, Israel and Jordan must make every effort to preserve such a unique sea – the Dead.