Porcupines – information

A porcupine is a representative of a detachment of rodents. Among its relatives, it is the second largest in the fauna of the Old World and the third among all rodents. Weight porcupine and well-fed male porcupine reaches 27 kg, but on average, usually less than this – 8-12 kg. The length of the animal’s body can be up to 90 cm, the tail is 10-15 cm.

Porcupine is very difficult to confuse with another beast. We all know that his stocky body is covered with short and long, densely seated needles. Needles are painted in different colors: alternately from dark, black-brown to white. All needles are smooth, pointed, rather weakly sitting in the skin, they fall easily. Between the needles are stiff bristle-like hair.

Porcupine needles are of two kinds. The first – flexible and long – reach a length of 40 cm, other needles are much shorter and harder, their length is 15 – 30 cm, but the thickness is 0.5 cm.

The needles are hollow inside, or they are filled with a horny spongy mass. With the help of a developed system of hypodermic muscles, the needles are raised and bent backwards.

The underside of the body is covered with dark brown hair. Muzzle blunt, rounded. On the muzzle of the needle there is no animal. Teeth, as well as it is necessary to rodents, strong. In particular, the incisors are well developed, which can be seen from the outside even when the mouth is closed.

The limbs are short and clumsy. The porcupine is unhurried, moving slowly, waddling, although during the pursuit passes over to a hard run.

Porcupine – a mountain animal, also lives in the foothill plains, even on cultivated, occasionally found among sand deserts. Porcupine shelter suits in caves, natural deepenings, between stones; In a soft ground, burrows with a complex structure, equipped with several outlets, can be digged.

Voice rarely gives, if irritated or in danger. Then the porcupine puffs and grunts.

Porcupine is found in southern Europe, in Asia Minor, the Middle East, Iran, Iraq. This species is found in India and in Ceylon, in parts of South-East Asia.

The number of porcupine was reduced, but still remains quite high. In general, the species is out of danger.