What do goats eat ?

Goats are animals that are quite unpretentious in food. They, like any living creature, need vitamins, minerals, complexes of elements that will help the body function properly and develop. Since some goat breeds give milk, then the ration should be appropriate. A similar situation occurs with animals that are representatives of meat and other directions.

The amount and composition of the feed that must be given to the goat depends on its age, sex, period of succulence (pregnancy), the level of productivity and other factors. If the animal lacks something in the diet, it hampers the development of cattle, reduces immunity and productivity. Feed for goats does not necessarily buy, they can be grown on their own plot. To do this, there will be enough area of ​​1 weave. Half of the allocated area should be taken under the beetroot. There are about 550 bushes in this area.

Seeds for seedlings should be laid in the first days of March. Picks should be done according to plan. And while growing seedlings, you need to prepare the soil for planting plants. The preparatory measures are as follows: for 1 sq. M. Meter area should be made on a bucket of humus, and for the entire allocated area to allocate 1 kg of superphosphate in granules. The plot needs to be thoroughly digged and leveled. To dig in seedlings is necessary in the last days of April or at the very beginning of May.