10 Facts About Asthma: Interesting and Fun Facts

Are you suffering from asthma? These 10 Facts About Asthma will help you to know more about this symptom. Asthma is a chronic disease with recurrent shortness of breath, and wheezing breath sound with different levels of severity and frequency for different individuals. Asthma can occur several times a day or a week depending on the patient. For some people, the symptoms can get worst when doing physical activity, or during the night. For some sensitive people, asthma symptoms can be triggered by breathing in allergy-causing substances. There are two basic kinds of medication for treating asthma, consume drugs regularly to prevent attacks, and consume quick-relief drugs during attacks. For more Facts About Asthma, you can see the list below.

10 Facts About Asthma: Interesting and Fun Facts

  1. World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that there are approximately 300 million people suffering from asthma, and in 2008, 449 people died from asthma.
  2. Death from asthma will increase nearly by 20% in the next 10 years if no action has been made. Asthma is not curable, but proper treatment, diagnosis, and personal education about asthma can give good help for individuals to control asthma.
  3. Asthma occurs in all countries around the world regardless of the level of development of the countries. More than 80% of deaths from asthma occur in countries with low income. For effective control of asthma, it is important to get proper treatment and affordable treatment, especially for families with low income.
  4. Appropriate treatment like inhaled corticosteroids will help individuals to ease the bronchial inflammation, and hence deaths from asthma can be reduced.
  5. There is a strong relation between allergy and asthma, more than 80% of individuals with asthma have evidences of allergic sensitization.
  6. Asthma mostly attacks children, however, asthma can be controlled with well-planned treatment and prevention based on the symptoms experienced by each individual.
  7. The biggest factor that causes asthma is allergens in the home, such as dust found in bed, carpet, and furniture; pollution; animal fur; and cigarette smoke.
  8. Asthma can occur because of the environment people live and the emotion of the individuals, such as cold weather, extreme anger or fear, and excessive physical exercise.
  9. Asthma is often under-treated and under-diagnosed, creating a substantial burden to individuals and possibly restricting individuals’ to do activities for a lifetime.
  10. More boys than girls have asthma. However, after the teenage years, asthma is more common in women than in men.