The Obesity Effect On Health

Studies have shown that more than 60% of Americans are obese but there are various ways to combat rapid weight gain which include leading a healthier lifestyle, exercising, and taking natural weight loss supplements. To find out more about which supplements you should be taking, read these reviews from Research and You.

What Is Obesity?

Obesity is a disorder that involves an excessive amount of body fat. The disorder increases the risk of health problems such as high blood pressure and diabetes, as well as heart disease. When you are obese, it is common to experience health problems that are related to your health.

Your health problems can be alleviated or prevented when you lose a moderate amount of weight. Ways to combat obesity include increasing your daily activity such as walking around the block, switching your diet to a healthy alternative, as well as prescribed medications.

The Obesity Effect On Health

What Are The Symptoms?

If your body mass index is 30 or higher then you are considered to be obese. To calculate your body mass index, divide your weight in pounds (lb) by your height in inches (In) squared and multiply that by 703.

Body Mass Index                                          Weigh

30.0 – 34.9                                                       Obese (Class I)

35.0 – 39.0                                                       Obese (Class II)

40.0 and higher                                               Extreme obesity (Class III)

What Causes Obesity?

Several reasons are the cause of obesity such as genetics and hormonal changes, but the main reason is that individuals are consuming more calories than they are burning. Since the calories are not used, the body stores it as fat.

The main causes of obesity are:

  • Bad diet – most Americans consume a tremendous amount of calories, found in the fast foods and sugary beverages they buy. Since they get little or no exercise, the calories are not burnt, thus, are stored as fat.
  • Lack of activity –  when you are inactive, you do not burn as many calories as you should to prevent obesity. The risk of obesity is increased with excessive sitting and avoiding exercise.

Health Risks

Heart disease and stroke

When you are carrying around extra weight, you are prone to high blood pressure, as well as high cholesterol. These conditions may lead to heart disease or stroke. By losing weight, you significantly reduce the risk of getting these conditions.

Type 2 Diabetes

Most individuals who have type 2 diabetes are either overweight or obese. To reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, you should follow a healthy diet, exercise plan, and sleep schedule. By becoming more active, you lose weight, which helps you to control your blood sugar levels.

Gallbladder Disease

This disease, as well as gallstones, are most commonly found in individuals who are obese. The ironic thing is that by losing excessive weight rapidly, you expose yourself to the risk of developing more gallstones. The best way to avoid gallstones is to lose moderate weight weekly.


Studies have indicated that obesity can trigger cancers found in the breast, kidney, colon, and esophagus. Furthermore, it has been evidenced that obesity can lead to cancer in the pancreas and ovaries.

Other conditions that individuals who are obese have experienced include breathing disorders, metabolic syndrome, erectile dysfunction, infertility, irregular periods, osteoarthritis, and sleep disorders.

How To Prevent Obesity?

Healthy diet

Your diet should consist of foods that have low calories such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Do not consume foods that contain sugar or saturated fat. Your alcohol intake should be limited as well.


Health experts have advised that you should be doing roughly 300 minutes of physical activity a week, which will enable you to burn calories. You can opt for exercise such as mountain biking, jogging, tennis, and walking.

Check your weight

You cannot improve what you do not track, and this applies to weight loss. If you weigh yourself at least once a week, you are aware of your weight and are more likely to take action towards weight loss. By regularly monitoring your weight, you get an indication if your diet and your physical activity, are working.

Make sure you are consistent

To avoid obesity, it is not enough to follow the diet or exercise plan for a week or just a month. You need to stick with it for a protracted period, preferably for life.