10 Facts About Raspberry – Interesting Facts About This Fruit

The raspberry is the bramble fruit of the rose family. It is popularly known as an “aggregate fruit.” They have strong similarities with strawberries in color and texture but the fruit has a hollow center that distinguishes it from strawberries. Here are 10 facts about raspberry.

10 Facts About Raspberry

10 Interesting Facts About Raspberry

  1. Raspberries are truly delicious. However, it is rarely available in the market.
  2. Looking back its history, the wild raspberry was originated in eastern Asia and was gradually carried by travelers to the western hemisphere. Raspberries began to be cultivated widely in Europe and North America in the 19th Century. Today, the leading producers of raspberries are – Russia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Chile, Germany, and the United States.
  3. Being a trailing bushy shrub, raspberry plants bear fruits that are round or oval in shape, bright red or dark pink in color. Small soft seeds are scattered on the surface of the flesh, which has a hollow center.
  4. The most common and popular is Red Raspberry. The Black Raspberry is typically found in forest and field areas.
  5. Purple Raspberry is a hybrid of black and red raspberries.
  6. Raspberries are rich sources of manganese (62%) and vitamin C (52%). They also contain a high amount of dietary fiber and foliate along with vitamin B2, B3, potassium, magnesium, and a little amount of copper.
  7. Since raspberry is an antioxidant food containing ellagic acid, it helps in preventing unwanted damage to cell membranes and other structures in the body by neutralizing the free radicals (overly reactive oxygen-containing molecules).
  8. Raspberries are highly perishable fruits and should be consumed fresh. It is recommended to buy raspberries 1- 2 days before eating. Select berries that are firm, bright, and deep in color.
  9. Raspberry is a very delicate fruit. While kept inside the refrigerator, the spoiled or molded berries should be removed.
  10. Eating fresh raspberries is of great delight. However, you can get more by mixing it with creamy millet porridge for a delicious breakfast treat. You can also have plain yogurt mixed with raspberries, honey, or fresh mint – you will simply get a heavenly feeling. A raspberry will add bright color, a delicious taste, and a unique texture for many dessert toppings.

Hope you enjoy these ten interesting facts about raspberry!