15 interesting facts about zucchini

Zucchini is preparing a myriad of different dishes. The pulp of this vegetable is even added to a variety of pastries to give it splendor and softness. And, by the way, eating zucchini in food affects the state of the body in the most favorable way, because they contain a lot of vitamins and useful substances, especially in fresh form, and not canned.

From a botanical point of view, they relate to berries, not vegetables. But still, everyone is accustomed to thinking of zucchini as a vegetable.
Some varieties of squash in favorable conditions for 45-50 days after sowing seeds already grow to such a size that they can be collected.
For the first time, Italians began to eat zucchini themselves. Prior to this, only their flowers or seeds were eaten.
These vegetables are hypoallergenic. No one has ever had an allergy to zucchini.
Despite the fact that they do not differ in sour taste, they contain a lot of vitamin C.

Zucchini is a dietary product. Depending on the variety and the degree of maturity, 100 grams of their pulp contains an average of 24-26 kcal.
If you accidentally damage the top layer of the skin of this vegetable, it will quickly deteriorate. Even refrigerated storage will not help.
Zucchini was brought to Europe in the 16th century. At the same time, they served as ornamental plants, and it never occurred to anyone to eat them.
Eating in moderate amounts of zucchini helps protect hair from blooming.
These vegetables, due to their low calorie content, are part of hundreds of different diets.

The largest zucchini ever grown weighed 61 kg. This world record was set in 1998.
The pulp of fresh zucchini perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, so face masks are often made from it.
In Greece and France, the aforementioned zucchini flowers, which are also edible, are popular.
Zucchini first appeared on the territory of modern Mexico. But local Indians ate only their seeds, not the vegetables themselves.
Some varieties of zucchini are eaten directly in raw form – they are added to a variety of salads.