25 interesting walrus facts

Mighty walruses only seem harmless and awkward. No, they are not at all dangerous if they are not disturbed, but if they show aggression, it is better to stay away from them, because stopping a carcass weighing several tons is quite problematic. However, walruses never attack people first, and they live away from us.

The thickness of their skin in the scruff area can reach 10 centimeters.
Walruses are able to control the speed of their heartbeat. The colder the water around, the slower their heart beats.
Almost all walruses live in large groups, but some individuals lead a solitary lifestyle. What causes this behavior is still unknown.
Walrus lifespan can reach 27-30 years.
Their newborn cubs weigh up to 25-30 kg.
Male walruses have air sacs in the neck area that females do not have. By inflating them, they can sleep on the water, supporting their heads on the surface. But they still sleep mostly on land, since there are predatory killer whales and other dangers in the water.
Walruses have four nipples, but females often have a small genetic anomaly – the fifth nipple. This happens in other animals, but in female walruses this is especially common.
Judging by archaeological findings, thousands of years ago, the ancestors of walruses lived in warm waters, although now they live only in cold seas. The fossilized bones of these animals, about 28,000 years old, were discovered near San Francisco.
Hunting walruses is prohibited by law in all countries in whose territorial waters these animals are found.

The world walrus population is estimated at approximately 250,000 individuals.
Old walrus tusks can reach a meter in length and weigh up to 5 kg.
One herd can count up to 2000 walruses.
Among other animals, the main danger for walruses are killer whales and polar bears, who are always ready to hunt them on occasion.
They can hold their breath for up to 20 minutes.
With rare exceptions, female walruses give birth to only one cub at a time, and they usually do this no more than once every three years. Therefore, these animals reproduce so slowly.
If the walrus will spend at least a couple of hours in the sun, it will turn pink, as the numerous blood vessels in its thick skin will expand due to heating.
An adult walrus can weigh up to 2 tons, but only males usually reach such a mass. Females are inferior to them in size.
The fat layer in walruses can reach 10-11 cm in thickness, or even more.

Atlantic walruses inhabiting Russian waters are listed in the Red Book of Russia.
About 25% of the body weight of an adult walrus is in fat, which protects it from the cold.
The first name of walruses, “odobenus”, came from the ancient Greek language. Translated, it means “one who walks on the teeth”.
Walruses just seem awkward bumps. If desired, they can easily, having bent, scratch the back of their head with their own back fins
Despite the fact that the basis of their diet is fish, they also eat carrion, if it comes across to them.
To get ashore, walruses pierce their powerful tusks into ice or soil, and then pull themselves on them.
The older the walrus, the less hair on its body, as they grow bald with age. Very old walruses are usually generally devoid of hair.